Roberts Courses 2024
GYROKINESIS® Apprentice Review Course
Date: October 11 - 13
Course Fee: 525 €
Studio Fee: 150 €
GYROTONER® Course Program 1
Date: October 22 - 24
The GYROTONER® is a piece of GYROTONIC® equipment that is perfect for rehabilitative & corrective work for the wrists, elbows and shoulders. Articulations of all the bones and joints in these areas are done with circularity, grace and ease. There isn't anything else that allows this many options for movement in a closed chain.
For all exercises your entire body has to organize the movement. This teaches you to not just muscle through movements with the arms alone, but to use the entire support structure of the body.
Requirement: Certified GYROTONIC® Trainer Level 1
Course fee: 630 €
Studio fee: 150 €
GYROTONER® Course Program 2
Date: October 25 - 27
Requirement: Certified GYROTONIC® Trainer Level 1
Course fee: 630 €
Studio fee: 150 €
GYROTONIC® Applications for Runners
Teaching is in english and german.
Requirement: Certified GYROTONIC® Trainer Level 1
Course fee: 525 €
Studio fee: 150 €
GYROTONIC® Apprentice Review Course
Date: TBA
Preparation for the Final Certificate Course. We will review once more your knowledge and application of the Gyrotonic principles, and we will improve and practice your movements and hands on. More time for progression 4 to 7!
Requirement: GYROTONIC® Foundation Course
Course fee: 1050 €
Studio fee: 150 €
To register for a course, please fill out the registration form on
Robert's personal website:
Robert Meggle, GYROTONIC® Master Trainer, can also be contacted directly
to receive more information about his courses
to request private lessons
to book him for courses in your studio
Phone: +4917696172590